The University of Iowa

IACUC AnShare ListServ

In an effort to reduce the number of animals used at the University of Iowa, the IACUC has developed the IACUC AnShare Listserv.  This Listserv can be used for the following purposes: 

  1. Request live animals or tissues from another investigator on campus
  2. Provide live animals or tissues to another investigator on campus
  3. Post animal related questions to your University of Iowa colleagues 

Who can participate?

Participants in the Listserv must be listed on an approved Animal Protocol, and have a University of Iowa email address.  Messages will not be sent or received to/from non-UIOWA email addresses.

Sign up process:

  • Send an email to
    • Type SUBSCRIBE IACUC-ANSHARE in the body of the email.
  • The requester will then receive a computer generated message asking for verification of subscription request.
  • After being added to the list, two emails will be sent (a welcome message and a confirmation message).
    • Save these emails for future reference.

Questions concerning the Listserv:

  1. Call the Office of the IACUC 319-384-4773
  2. Send an email to IACUC-ANSHARE-request@LIST.UIOWA.EDU