OAR Informational Sheet:
Rodent transfers between Non-barrier animal rooms and facilities

Purpose: The purpose of this Informational sheet is to review the steps that need to be taken to transfer rodents between non-barrier animal rooms and facilities.
- Same PI, same protocol, transfer to a different room or facility
- Mark cages with purple transfer cards
- Detailed instructions on how to complete the transfer slips is printed on the back of the slips
- You may also visit our website at https://animal.research.uiowa.edu/animal-inventory.
- Complete a Room to Room / Building to Building transfer slip
- Place slip in the cage card holder, behind one of the purple transfer cards of one of the cages with a purple transfer card
- Email oar-veterinarian@uiowa.edu to request approval to transfer the cages between rooms or non-barrier animal facilities.
- Include in the email:
- Current location, new housing location requested
- Number of cages
- Reason for transfer
- Approval from an OAR veterinarian must be obtained prior to moving animals
- Include in the email:
- If you have an immediate need to move the cages (you cannot wait for OAR to move the cages for you)
- Talk to the facility supervisor or caretaker working in the room to verify the slip has been competed appropriately. Staff will initial the slip.
- Bring the completed transfer slip to the main OAR office (L350 PBDB) for processing
- Email approval from OAR must be obtained before the animals are moved
- For labs performing husbandry:
- If your cages have Lab Performing Husbandry tags, you must create a new Lab Performing Husbandry Log
- Place the log at the new housing location within a few days after the transfer
- Mark cages with purple transfer cards
- Same PI, different protocol, transfer to a different room or facility
- Mark cages with purple transfer cards
- Detailed instructions on how to complete the transfer slips is printed on the back of the slips
- You may also visit our website at https://animal.research.uiowa.edu/animal-inventory.
- Complete two transfer slips:
- PI to PI or Animal Protocol/Acct to Animal Protocol/Acct
- Mark cages with purple transfer cards
Note that in this scenario the name of the PI on the “Current” PI and “Transfer to” PI lines will be the same as are the building and room numbers.
- Room to Room / Building to Building
- Place the PI to PI or Animal Protocol/Acct to Animal Protocol/Acct slip and the Room to Room / Building to Building slips in the cage card holder, behind one of the purple transfer cards of one of the cages with a purple transfer card
- Email oar-veterinarian@uiowa.edu to request approval to transfer the cages between rooms or non-barrier animal facilities.
- Include in the email:
- Current location, new housing location requested
- Number of cages
- Reason for transfer
- Approval from an OAR veterinarian must be obtained prior to moving animals
- Include in the email:
- If you have an immediate need to move the cages (you cannot wait for OAR to move the cages for you)
- Talk to the facility supervisor or caretaker working in the room to verify the slip has been competed appropriately. Staff will initial the slip.
- Bring the completed transfer slip to the main OAR office (L350 PBDB) for processing
- Talk to an OAR veterinarian to obtain approval for the transfer
- Place animals in a clean cage
- Transfer animals to new room/facility
- Multiple slips are processed in the following order:
- First: PI to PI or Animal Protocol/Acct to Animal Protocol/Acct slips
- OAR verifies IACUC approval to receive the animals
- Includes approval to use non-naive animals, species and numbers
- Second: Room to Room or Building to Building transfers
- First: PI to PI or Animal Protocol/Acct to Animal Protocol/Acct slips
- Email approval from OAR must be obtained before the animals are moved or used
- For labs performing husbandry:
- If your cages have Lab Performing Husbandry tags, you must create a new Lab Performing Husbandry Log
- Place the log at the new housing location within a few days after the transfer
- PI to PI transfer as well as transfer to a different room or facility
- Mark cages with purple transfer cards
- Detailed instructions on how to complete the transfer slips is printed on the back of the slips
- You may also visit our website at https://animal.research.uiowa.edu/animal-inventory.
- Complete two transfer slips:
- PI to PI or Animal Protocol/Acct to Animal Protocol/Acct
- Room to Room / Building to Building
- Place the PI to PI or Animal Protocol/Acct to Animal Protocol/Acct slip and the Room to Room / Building to Building slips in the cage card holder, behind one of the purple transfer cards of one of the cages with a purple transfer card
- Email oar-veterinarian@uiowa.edu to request approval to transfer the cages between rooms or non-barrier animal facilities.
- Include in the email:
- Current location, new housing location requested
- Number of cages
- Reason for transfer
- Approval from an OAR veterinarian must be obtained prior to moving animals
- Include in the email:
- If you have an immediate need to move the cages (you cannot wait for OAR to move the cages for you)
- Talk to the facility supervisor or caretaker working in the room to verify the slip has been competed appropriately. Staff will initial the slip.
- Bring the completed transfer slip to the main OAR office (L350 PBDB) for processing and approval
- Talk to an OAR veterinarian to obtain approval for the transfer
- Place animals in a clean cage
- Transfer animals to new room/facility
- Multiple slips will be proceeded in the following order:
- Transfer of animal ownership, PI to PI or Animal Protocol/Acct to Animal Protocol/Acct first
- Room to Room or Building to Building transfers
- Email approval from OAR must be obtained before the animals are moved or used
- OAR verifies IACUC approval to receive the animals, including but not limited to: approval to use non-naive animals, species and numbers
- Do not handle cages for which you do not have approval to do so. This includes but is not limited to: you are NOT listed as approved personnel in the protocol (either within your lab or the receiving lab)
- Email approval from OAR must be obtained before the animals are moved or used
- For labs performing husbandry:
- If your cages have Lab Performing Husbandry tags, you must create a new Lab Performing Husbandry Log
- Place the log at the new housing location within a few days after the transfer
- Mark cages with purple transfer cards
- Core service rooms, PI rental rooms and Satellite housing rooms
- Approval from a veterinarian is not required to transfer animals to a Core service room, PI rental room or Satellite housing rooms
- Note: A Room -to-Room / Building -to-Building transfer slip must be completed prior to moving animals to these locations.
- To review a list of core service rooms follow this link
- For labs performing husbandry:
- If your cages have Lab Performing Husbandry tags, you must create a new Lab Performing Husbandry Log
- Place the log at the new housing location within a few days after the transfer
- Approval from a veterinarian is not required to transfer animals to a Core service room, PI rental room or Satellite housing rooms
If you have questions please contact the facility supervisor or the Office of Animal Resources