The University of Iowa


Training for Personnel Working with Animals:

Direct link to training request form: here

Animal Use Education Course

  • Information on this training can be found here


Animal Facility Training and Access

  • Information on this training can be found here

Occupational Health & Safety Questionnaire

  • This required questionnaire is sent to the individual's University of Iowa email address upon receipt of an Animal Protocol or amendment.

Additional Training Opportunities


Annual Refresher Training

  • All research personnel already listed on approved Animal Protocols are required to complete annual refresher training.  The training may be completed one of two ways: 1) By inviting an IACUC representative to attend your lab meeting and go through the training with the lab team or 2) By having each person complete the training through the ICON/Canvas course.

Method 1): If you would like to schedule a time for the IACUC representative to go through the training with your lab, or if you have any questions regarding the annual training requirement, please contact the IACUC at 467-4419, 353-5881 or

Method 2):  Check your available ICON courses for IACUC Annual Refresher Training. Complete the course.  

If you have not already already been enrolled in the course, please email to request access to these materials.