The University of Iowa

Ordering Animals

All orders for animals must go through the Office of Animal Resources (OAR).  Animals cannot be ordered independently from the source vendors.

Before placing an order, you will need to have an OAR Account Number.  To set up a new account go to, select "ARIS Dashboard" and click on the "Accounts" tab.

You will need the following information:

  1. PI name
  2. Animal Protocol number
  3. MFK matched to the Animal Protocol

Following verification of all information, the account will be set up and you will be given the new account number.

To place orders, call OAR:  319-335-7985 Monday - Friday (8:00 am - 4:30 pm). 

NOTE:  Vendors typically require notice within 24 hours of the animals' arrival if a credit or replacement is needed.

For rodents supplied by the major vendors, the order deadlines for arrival the following week are:

Jackson Wednesday by 4 pm
Charles River "GRANTEE" orders (previously NCI animals) Wednesday by 4 pm
Charles River Wednesday by 4 pm
Envigo Wednesday by 3 pm
Taconic Wednesday by 4 pm
Farm Animals (sheep and pigs) Wednesday by 4 pm
There is a late fee for orders placed after the deadline.  See Per Diem Rates

Deliveries for the following week are subject to animal availability. 
Call OAR for information regarding other species.

The following information must be provided to place an order: 
  1. The Investigator name and HawkID.
  2. The number from the applicable approved Animal Protocol.
  3. The Account number.  If placing an order for the first time on a new Protocol, the 42 digit MFK number assigned to that Animal Protocol will be needed.  The MFK number is assigned by the Investigator's department and used to set up an OAR Account number (specific to that Animal Protocol).  This Account number will be used in place of the MFK number for all subsequent orders on that Animal Protocol.
  4. Vendor, strain (Taconic: "model number"; Jackson: "stock number"), sex, quantity, age or weight of animals being ordered.  Animal information and cost can be obtained from the individual vendor's website: