In an effort to foster communication between the Office of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and animal users, periodic notifications of updates which may impact your laboratory practices will be provided. Our goal is to facilitate research while supporting animal welfare and regular improvements are important to these efforts. Please contact the IACUC Office ( or 335-7985) with any questions or concerns.
- Policy updates:
- Rodent Tail Snip for Genotyping: The policy now clarifies that any procedure(s), other than a one-time collection in animals between 10-24 days of age, must be described and justified in the Animal Protocol. An example of a deviation is tail snip in animals greater than 24 days of age which requires use of a systemic analgesic given prior to tail snipping. See updated policy here:
- Blood Collection: The policy was updated to clarify the difference in superficial tail nick versus removal of a small portion of the end of the tail. The latter method (referred to as tail snip, or tail transection) is not considered a routine method of blood collection and should be described as a non-surgical procedure with associated monitoring and pain management where appropriate. See updated policy here:
- Personnel amendments:
At the start of the new semester, personnel additions to animal laboratories are common. Just a reminder that personnel must be approved on the protocol and have facility training before working with animals or entering animal facilities. See our webpage about adding personnel:
- Annual Refresher Training:
Just a reminder that if you are personnel listed on a protocol (as of the start of 2022), please be sure to complete the IACUC annual refresher training. Please contact the post-approval monitor (353-5881 or if you have any questions.