The Office of the IACUC has both required and optional training. Please complete this form and hit submit. Your request will then be received by the Office of the IACUC and someone will be in contact with you. If you do not see the specific training you are requesting listed in the choices below, please select "Miscellaneous Training" and describe the training you need.
TRAINING OPTION DESCRIPTIONS - Click on link(s) below:
Animal Use Education Courses
OAR Technique Training Labs
Animal Facility Access Training
NOTE: Personnel below the age of 18 are not permitted in University of Iowa Facilities per the Minors On Campus Policy: link
If you are an undergraduate student employee that forms an integral part of a research program on campus, please email with your lab’s approved return to campus plan, detailing your duties and departmental approval to be on-campus. This request will be evaluated by an OAR veterinarian.
Occupational Health & Safety Program (OHSP): Any individual that is to work with live vertebrate animals must be enrolled in the University's OHSP. This requirement is met through completion of an occupational health and safety questionnaire. The questionnaire will be emailed to the individual following submission of the Animal Protocol and/or amendment to the IACUC Office.