From: Heather Gipson, Assistant Vice President for Research Compliance
RE: Mouse Rotavirus (EDIM) Update Communication
Date: April 8, 2016
To: Faculty and Research Staff Members
To keep researchers apprised of developments in the process of identifying and eliminating the EDIM detected in the affected animal facilities, the Office of Animal Resources will be providing regular updates and communications to all faculty and Research Staff Members that utilize rodents in research. Below please find the latest information regarding the EDIM outbreak.
Initial Diagnostic Testing Results:
- All sentinels on housing racks in quarantine rooms have been tested
- All racks with positive March quarterly sentinel results had repeated positive results (no false positives identified)
- ONE rack with a negative quarterly sentinel result had a new positive result
- Sentinels on all other racks (in rooms with positive racks) currently have negative results by serology
- All researcher cages on racks with positive quarterly sentinel samples have been tested
- A total of 26 cages were identified with seropositive animals, of over 1000 cages tested
- Due to the relatively low numbers identified, all identified seropositive animals have been euthanized with investigator consent to reduce the risk to the other animals both in and out of the quarantined rooms
- Samples from all housing cages on the newly-identified positive rack have been submitted and researchers in the affected racks will be contacted with results
Continued Health Monitoring of Quarantined Rooms:
- Monitoring of Seronegative Animals in Quarantined Rooms (No Confirmed Exposure):
- Sampling of sentinel animals on all racks in quarantined rooms will continue at intervals appropriate to detect seroconversion
Continued Health Monitoring of Non-Quarantined Rooms:
- Monitoring of Seronegative Animals in Non-Quarantined Rooms in Affected Facilities:
- Sampling of sentinel animals in non-quarantined rooms is underway in ML and BSB to ensure early detection of potential spread
- Should positive results be obtained, rooms will be immediately quarantined and researchers in the affected racks will be contacted
Investigator Guidance:
6. Successful quarantine and elimination of this virus requires conscientious observation of decontamination and hygiene procedures by all researcher staff, in addition to OAR personnel
- Any lab personnel unsure of the proper procedure for entering, exiting, or working within the quarantined animal rooms should contact the facility supervisor or veterinarian for training
- All lab staff in both quarantined and non-quarantined spaces should review decontamination procedures (
- In addition to donning gloves whenever handling animals or animal equipment, hand-washing after glove removal is an important step in preventing cross-contamination with surfaces and materials in and out of the animal facility and lab spaces
7. In addition to email updates, information regarding the EDIM outbreak will be regularly updated on our website:
Contact Us:
- Please contact an OAR veterinarian at or 335-7985 with any questions or concerns regarding this communication; or
- Heather Gipson, Assistant Vice President for Research Compliance at or 335-9546.