Policy: The IACUC has provided a set of guidance documents (Policies, Guidelines, and Informational Sheets) for use when planning animal procedures at the University of Iowa. An exception to a Policy must be described and justified in the Animal Protocol and approved by the full IACUC at a convened monthly meeting.
Due to the need for accountability and the level of responsibility involved in conducting research, teaching, and/or training with live vertebrates, the Principal Investigator (PI) must be physically present at the University of Iowa (UI) with sufficient frequency and duration* to provide adequate oversight. The IACUC must ensure that the PI is able to actively oversee the personnel and procedures being conducted under their approved Animal Protocol(s). This policy lists types of appointments not ordinarily allowed to serve as Principal Investigator (PI) on a University of Iowa (UI) Animal Protocol.
UI employees who have left the University (i.e. no longer have an appointment), are on extended leave of absence, Emeritus faculty or faculty with Visiting, Adjunct, Courtesy or other similar appointments will ordinarily not be allowed to serve as a PI on an Animal Protocol.
If a PI’s appointment changes to one of the above mentioned statuses and he/she still has active Animal Protocols, an appropriate person will be contacted by the IACUC office and informed of the following:
- No animals may be ordered or utilized on the AP(s) until an amendment request to change the PI has been approved by the IACUC.
- Any animals currently housed will be “red carded” and assigned to the IACUC Animal Holding Protocol.
- An amendment request to change the PI or a request to close out the AP(s) must be received within 30 days of date of notification of change of status. If no amendment is received, the AP(s) will be closed and any remaining animals will be euthanized or transferred by the IACUC to another approved Animal Protocol with a valid UI PI.
The IACUC Chair will consider requests by individuals not ordinarily allowed to serve as PI on a case by case basis, depending on the proposed animal activities and the rationale for the request.
*Sufficiency of the frequency and duration of PI presence is to be determined in consultation with the IACUC Chair.
Last Reviewed by the IACUC 3/10/2021